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Recipes & Tips

Spring Seedlings
We have quite a bit of seedlings growing in our greenhouse. I'll put some at the front for those of you still looking to set up your...

Visit Edgar's Mission
Our chickens loved our baby vegetables so much, so we hope the animals at Edgar's Mission can enjoy them too! with Edgar's Mission ....

Try This To Keep Slugs and Snails Away From Your Garden
Spring is the time for planting all your seedlings, it is also the time when pests start to feast on all your seedlings! Snails and slugs...

Garlic, Garlic, Garlic
After bathing in worm juice, the garlic look very happy and strong. We predict they can be harvested during mid November. Can't wait! 😋...

Yes, Spring Seedlings Here🌱
We have so many spring seedlings ready for your garden! Tomato, Cucumber, Zucchini, Pumpkin, Bean, Rainbow Chard, Corn, Green leaves...,...

The Flower Heal Your Skin
Calendula season is coming, big orange/yellow flowers pop out everywhere in our garden. Great time for make Calendula tea with the...

Ladybugs We Need You!🐞
As a non-spray farm, we are experiencing a burst of aphids during this warm spring! They loved our purple kale flowers! Any other growers...

A Freezing Cold Morning
Lucky that we remembered to cover our tomato and cucumber seedlings with doona. IT WAS -2 C AT OUR HOT HOUSE THIS MORNING!!!

Sweet Alice Tea
Sweet Alice Tea

Happy Spring everyone!!!
Happy spring time!

Common Eastern Froglet
PLEASE TURN THE SOUND ON. We submitted this frog calling to FrogID yeasterday, and the result came back as Common Eastern Froglet/Crinia...

Town of Rainbows
This rainbow was just in our backyard 5 mins ago, Lancefield is a town of rainbows. It's the third rainbow I have seen this week. Always...

Lesueur's Stony Creek Frog 🐸 with photo descriptions
This morning I found two frogs among the rainbow chard. My experience tell me rainbow chards are good shelters for frogs, everytime I cut...

Beauty In The Garden
I love gardening. Every time when I watch seeds become plants, I see the energy in life. It is amazing to see that the exact same energy...

Ewing's Tree Frog
I found this beautiful frog this morning, I think it's a Victorian tree frog. Or Ewing's tree frog? 🐸 Does anyone know? 🤔 After a month...
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